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task unit中文是什么意思

用"task unit"造句"task unit"怎么读"task unit" in a sentence


  • 任务单位
  • 任务单元
  • 特遣区队


  • The worker bears insurance cost , be responsible for a task unit until it is completed by the unit use at : during the puerpera labors medical expenses ; press allowance of maternity leave salary of the regulation , prices and bonus ; puerpera nutrition allowance is expended
  • In order to make information of the planning implementing , tracing and adjusting on project management on the internet , and according to this structure reflects the feature that a project is usually divided into the task units for distributing and implementing , the database design in this thesis is consisted of project group , detailed projects , project tasks , project resources ( including substance and people ) , task distribution , time , units and indentifiers . the software system of project management on the internet includes three pages . they are project building , project managing and project member working
    为了将项目管理中的项目计划、项目实施、项目实施跟踪、项目调整环节的信息信息化、网络化,软件系统针对在项目管理中,将项目细化为任务单元分配实施的特点,按项目群、具体项目、项目任务、项目资源(包含物质资源及人力资源) 、任务分配,以及时间、单位衡量信息、标识信息的层次关系构建了软件系统的数据库信息结构。
  • A detail investigation shows that process state can be used as a clue to separate the process into several task units and sleep events can identify these task units to predicate the workload of future tasks . a three level alarm voltage schedule algorithm is used to reduce the deadline violation and performance jitter based on the workload prediction
用"task unit"造句  
task unit的中文翻译,task unit是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译task unit,task unit的中文意思,task unit的中文task unit in Chinesetask unit的中文task unit怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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